GREYTOWN RESIDENTS (English & isiZulu)

English Version 
Please be advised that reservoir levels are low due to a burst, the reservoir was at 70% and this morning it’s at 5%. This is greatly affecting the water supply to Greytown and surrounding areas. Our team is currently busy with the burst. We urge all residents to be on the look out for any leaks and to report immediately. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.

IsiZulu Version 
Mphakathi waseGreytown namaphethelo naziswa ukuthi amazinga amadamu aphansi ngenxa yokuqhuma kwepayipi, idamu beliku-70% kuthi namhlanje ekuseni libe ku-5%. Lokhu kuthinta kakhulu ukulethwa kwamanzi eGreytown nezindawo ezakhelene nayo. Ithimba lethu okwamanje limatasa lilungisa umonakalo . Sinxusa bonke abahlali ukuba babheke noma yikuphi ukuvuza futhi babike ngokushesha. Siyaxolisa kakhulu ngomonakalo owenzekile.