Executive Manager Planning and Social Development

Planning and Social Development sets precedence

Business, Tourism and Agricultural Sectors are the main drivers of the economy within the uMzinyathi District Municipality as indicated by the IDP studies done by the Department of Planning and Social Development in partnership with the Independent Development Trust (IDT). To complement this finding, numerous interventions have been undertaken.

The Department of Planning and Social Development within the uMzinyathi District Municipality is a ‘three legged pot’ as it comprises of three sub-divisions. Although Tourism & LED; IDP/PMS and Planning are the three core elements of this Department, each department has its independent objectives with each going to unprecedented extremes to maximise productivity.

The Department of Planning and Social Development has therefore moved to new heights to tackle all these questions in an endeavour to improve, promote and maintain both economical growth and infrastructural development of the uMzinyathi DM. This will ensure that the lives of the people of this district are improved for the better.

Bringing order to development to create a conducive environment for growth and development, while acting as a supporting domain of the Local Municipalities is a constructive way to go about eradicating poverty within the district. In short, this department is in existence to improve the qualities of the lives of its people for the better through thoroughly researched technologies.