Municipal Manager
The office of the Municipal Manager is responsible for smooth running of the Municipality. The Municipal Manager is the Accounting Officer. Powers and the roles of the Municipal Manager are clearly outlined in the Municipal Finance Act, 2003.
The Municipal Manager provides guidance and advice on compliance with certain Acts that governing the Municipality to the political structures , political office-bearers and officials, and any municipal entity under the sole or shared control of the municipality. UMZINYATHI District Municipality was established in the year 2000.
Before that it was part of uThukela Joint Service Board. After the demarcation UMZINYATHI was afforded the municipal status.
The District is made up of four local municipality, i.e. eNdumeni, eNquthu, uMsinga and uMvoti. It has estimated population of 427052 and 77540 households with an average family size of 5.5 persons per household. Like all rural nodes , the income is less than R 1200.00 per month with 75% unemployment rate . There is a backlog in terms of telecommunication services. About 60% households are without connection to their dwelling and more than 75% do not have electricity, proper sanitary facilities and potable water supply.